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DSA Middle School Tardiness Policy
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Per the DSA Scholar-Parent Handbook, any scholar arriving at school after the first period bell rings must report to the front office for a pass. Scholars arriving post attendance after school start time must obtain a pass through the front office. Any scholar who enters a classroom after the bell has rung without a written excuse from the front office, staff or administration will be considered tardy. Oversleeping and/or “running late” are considered unexcused tardiness.
Multiple instances of tardiness for anything other than medical/dental appointments may be referred to the truancy officer. Excessive unexcused tardies will result in a discipline referral with the following progressive consequences.
- After three tardies within the semester the scholar will attend one lunch detention
- After five tardies within the semester the scholar will attend two lunch detention
- After seven unexcused tardies within the semester the scholar will be given one day of in-school suspension, and parent meeting.
- After ten unexcused tardies within the semester the scholar will be given one day of out-of-school suspension, a parent meeting, and put on an attendance/behavioral contract with escalating consequences up to a referral to the governing board for long-term suspension.
Thank you for your help in making sure every scholar is on-time and successful at Desert Star Academy,
Chris Barton, M.A. Ed.
Middle School Principal
Jesus Osuna, M.A. Ed
Middle School Assistant Principal